Food and Drink Trends for 2019
Food and drink will be developing in some interesting new directions in the coming year. Find out more here.
What landlords should look out for in 2019
Find out which challenges face landlords as we move through 2019, from fees to deposits and more.
Landlords: Make sure you know the new electrical safety laws
Find out how the government's tough new standards for electrical inspections can help landlords protect their tenants.
Park supports the Solan Connor Fawcett Family Cancer Trust
Park are pleased to be able to support a local cancer charity.
Book Club: The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal
It seems stress isn't always as bad as we think...phew! McGonigal teaches us how to manage stress such that it can transform our lives.
Team news Christmas 2018
A busy month at Park, with some entertainment provided by lots of festive activities.
Book Club: Images from a Warming Planet by Ashley Cooper
Ashely Cooper's amazing (and award-winning) photographs of the environment demonstrate the devastating effects of climate-change on our planet.
Team news November 2018 – conference season!
Another busy month with many of the gang off to conferences....
How to handle a breach of data in your organisation
Safeguard your reputation. It's a good idea for businesses to make an action plan should a data breach occur. This will mean that your team will be better prepared and will have an increased chance of getting things right the first time.
Team News Autumn 2018: Welcome to Kate Green
In the last few weeks we have been very happy to welcome Kate Green to the team at Park.
Book Club: Mindset by Dr Carol S Dweck
Top psychologist Carol Dweck gives simple advice to achieve your potential in work, home and parenting
Book Club: Designing your life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
Design innovators from Silicon Valley and Stanford have produced this fascinating book applying design principles to careers and life.