Park supports St Cuthbert’s Hospice
Every day counts
St Cuthbert’s Hospice in Durham makes every day count for those affected by life-limiting illnesses, where a range of palliative, end of life and bereavement support services are provided to the people of County Durham. Among other services, the In Patient Unit offers specialist palliative and end of life care to manage complex symptoms, and difficult to control pain. The Day Hospice provision includes specialist palliative care, outpatient appointments, day treatments, complimentary therapies and social work assessment as well as Physiotherapy and Lymphoedema clinics.
As part of our corporate social responsibility, and as members of the local community, Park do our best to support this vital local service wherever we can. Recently we attended again the annual Gentleman’s Dinner with our guests from local business, and were privileged to be able to ‘Pay for a Day’ – our donation provided 24 hours of clinical care on the day of the event (2nd June 2017).
More information on St Cuthbert’s Hospice can be found at
June 2017
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