Team news late summer 2021
Team news - we've moved into our new office and have a new team member.....
Why you need a commercial insurance broker
On Insurance Awareness Day, we'd like to highlight the importance of making sure businesses have the right insurance policy in the first place and why it pays to go through a commercial broker.
Book Club: Good to Great by Jim Collins
In this classic business book Jim Collins provides useful tools to improve your business - and it's a great read too!
We have a new home!
This is exciting - we talked about it for too long. Now we have a new home.....
The Park Story – the story of our business
The tale of Park began in 1973, when the business was established - see our infographic here
Book Club: There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness by Carlo Rovelli
Carlo Rovelli shares his mesmerising reflections on a range of subjects from science to natural history to politics.
Keeping track of dates for your diary
Want to keep track of upcoming key dates? Then you need your very own Park 2021 calendar!
‘Out of Office’ – Mountain Rescue
Read David's interview about Mountain Rescue with Entrepreneur's Forum here
Covid-19 Update
Read here for details of how Park is working during Covid-19, and additional ways to get in touch with us.
Full Circle – a vibrant new craft brewery opening in Newcastle
The craft brewing industry continues to flourish! Full Circle Brewing Company opens its doors in Newcastle this week. Find out more here.