Client Profile – Lanchester Wines and Greencroft Bottling
David’s jaw dropped the first time he visited innovative and highly sustainable Lanchester Wines and Greencoft Bottling. Based in the North East like us, this independent family business is now one of the UK‘s leading wine merchants and bottles up to 90,000 bottles per hour - you probably have some wine bottled by Lanchester in the fridge right now!
The art of gin
This short film details the expert work of three gin entrepreneurs in London, Hamburg and Finland.
Book Club: Let my people go surfing by Yvon Chouinard
Do business a different way. An interesting read from the inspirational founder of Patagonia.
‘The world’s first distilled non-alcoholic spirit’
Managed to extend 'Dry January'? Next time you feel like a G&T you could try this new alcohol-free alternative.
Team news March 2018 – team chocolate!
The team at Park have been achieving great things this month, even in the snow! Extra chocolate required....
Park welcomes Paula Hunter to the team – February 2018
In the last few weeks we have been very happy to welcome Paula Hunter to the gang at Park.
Book Club: Bill Gates’ New Favourite Book of All Time
Steven Pinker's Enlightenment Now analyses different measures of progress, and happily it turns out the world is getting better!
Book Club: Principles of Life and Work by Ray Dalio, ‘The Steve Jobs of Investing’
Parklife Book Club reads Ray Dalio's Principles. Must-read top tips for work and life.
Book Club: The Most Interesting Man in the World* has Written a New Book
The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly - we found these technological predictions for the future unnervingly believable.
Client Profile – Chris Brammall, Award-Winning Artist Blacksmith
We’ve long been admirers of Cumbria based Artist Blacksmith Chris Brammall and were totally blown away by his latest sculpture - a 5m high iconic Spitfire.