Covid-19 Update
Read here for details of how Park is working during Covid-19, and additional ways to get in touch with us.
Book Club: Factfulness by Hans Rosling
Rosling explains how things are better than we thought in this mind-blowing and very positive book.
Team news – winter 2019/20
The team and expertise at Park continues to grow - we welcome Dan and Jonny, and Kate completes her Cert CII
Book Club: Getting Things Done: the art of stress-free productivity by David Allen
Allen provides a straight-forward guide to organising life at work and beyond, leading to a more relaxed feeling of control and achievement.
Who we are and what we do – a short film about Park
A short film to help communicate what we're all about at Park.......
Book Club: Dark Territory by Fred Kaplan
Dark Territory by Fred Kaplan tells how key events shaped international policy on cyber crime - scary stuff! (Plus recommendations for something lighter....)
Team News – Summer 2019
Lots going on - a new short film, charity fundraising and lots more!
Book Club: Extreme Ownership By Jocko Willink and Leif Babin
Willink and Babi use their experience as US Navy Seals to give clear leadership advice for teams.
Team News – Spring 2019: Core Values
Lots going on - new core values, staff pics, leadership qualifications and lots more!
Book Club: Being Wrong by Katherine Schulz
Katherine Schulz's book teaches us that being wrong can actually be really desirable....
Team news Easter 2019
A busy month - with anniversaries, unlimited holidays and doing our bit for the community.