Walk Your Dog Month – January 2021
The team at Park team threw themselves into January’s Walk Your Dog Month. Read more here.
Book Club: Why the Germans Do it Better by John Kampfner
John Kampfner provides a witty and passionate exploration of this fascinating country
Book Club: There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness by Carlo Rovelli
Carlo Rovelli shares his mesmerising reflections on a range of subjects from science to natural history to politics.
Keeping track of dates for your diary
Want to keep track of upcoming key dates? Then you need your very own Park 2021 calendar!
Book Club: Skin in the Game by Naseem Talib
Naseem Talib provides poweful insights into who to listen to and why businesses go bust in 'Skin in the Game'
Team News – Christmas 2020
The team are working hard from home and are there for you when you need us.
Book Club: How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division by Elif Shafak
In this business book that isn't about business, Elif Shafak helps us feel better about the future.
Team News – Autumn 2020
The team are working hard from home and are there for you when you need us. Plus - Kate's baby and supporting our communities.
Book Club: The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen
Park Commercial Book Club: Peter Matthiessen provides a beautiful escape with his description of his journey through the Himalayas.
‘Out of Office’ – Mountain Rescue
Read David's interview about Mountain Rescue with Entrepreneur's Forum here
Book Club: Solve for Happy by Mo Gawdat
Gawdat uses and engineering background and logical approach to help us process our thoughts.