Team news – Autumn 2022 (and Park Calendar update for 2023)
It's conference season again, and the team have been busy strengthening relationships
Book Club: Great Pubs of England by Horst Friedrichs and Stuart Husband
If you like pubs, or photographs, or both, you'll like 'Great Pubs of England'....
Book club: Parklife by Sophia Spring
Perfect for summer, 'Parklife' is a portrait of London's green spaces. Read more here....
Team news – summer 2022
Busy as always at Park this summer. Lots of hard work, but also time for some good fun.
David’s blog: new law on using mobile phones when driving
David looks at the new law on using mobile phones when driving in his latest blog here
Team news – we’ll miss you Judith, and welcome Colin!
We say goodbye to Judith and hello to Colin, plus more team news here....
Book club: Tomorrow isn’t over
A curated reading list about brighter futures. Read more here...
Highway Code update: some key changes
Highway Code Update: read David's summary of the key changes here
Book club: Money books
This time we thought we'd share a couple of books on the theme of money, and how being aware of different approaches to our finances can be healthy.
Free 2022 calendar – be quick!
Get in touch with the team at Park if you'd like a free 2022 Park desk or wall calendar
Book club: Stop Reading the News: A manifesto for a happier, calmer and wiser life by Rolf Dobelli
Have a break from the news! Rolf Dobelli hasn't read the news for a decade - find out why here.....
David’s blog: Rebuilding is getting pricey…
Construction costs are reaching a 40 year high. Read David's blog here on how Park can help you to ensure that building sums insured are keeping up.