David’s blog: The Benefits of Private Medical Insurance for Small UK Firms
David looks at the benefits of private medical insurance for small UK firms in his blog here......
David’s blog: Why all firms should consider the benefits of Cyber Insurance
David looks at the benefits of cyber insurance for all sizes of business in his blog here...
Team news – Autumn 2022 (and Park Calendar update for 2023)
It's conference season again, and the team have been busy strengthening relationships
Team news – summer 2022
Busy as always at Park this summer. Lots of hard work, but also time for some good fun.
David’s blog: new law on using mobile phones when driving
David looks at the new law on using mobile phones when driving in his latest blog here
Team news – we’ll miss you Judith, and welcome Colin!
We say goodbye to Judith and hello to Colin, plus more team news here....
Highway Code update: some key changes
Highway Code Update: read David's summary of the key changes here
David’s blog: Rebuilding is getting pricey…
Construction costs are reaching a 40 year high. Read David's blog here on how Park can help you to ensure that building sums insured are keeping up.
Why you need a commercial insurance broker
On Insurance Awareness Day, we'd like to highlight the importance of making sure businesses have the right insurance policy in the first place and why it pays to go through a commercial broker.
We have a new home!
This is exciting - we talked about it for too long. Now we have a new home.....